Fallout 4 loading screen replacer
Fallout 4 loading screen replacer

fallout 4 loading screen replacer

  • You can run faster with your weapon holstered.
  • Heavier weapons and apparel will slow you down when they're equipped.
  • Zooming in with a ranged weapon slows you down, but improves your accuracy.
  • Want to prevent an enemy from fleeing? Cripple the legs.
  • Picking someone's pocket and placing a mine or grenade in their inventory will activate the explosive.
  • Crouching will both improve your accuracy, and activate sneak mode.
  • fallout 4 loading screen replacer

    ruins is by traveling underground, usually through the abandoned Metro tunnels.

    fallout 4 loading screen replacer

  • The only way to reach the super mutant-occupied D.C.
  • If you wrong someone, prepare to pay with your life.
  • The Capital Wasteland lacks a unified government, and any institutional system of crime and punishment.

  • Fallout 4 loading screen replacer